Photographic records of restoration of NATL's upland pine ecosystem
(1997, 2004, 2007; semi-annual photos, summer 2009-date)

NATL's tracts of upland pine. Gridpoints from
which photos were made are ringed with red.

Grid Stake
UP Tract

north Public Area Pine
Winter   Summer

north Restricted Area Pine
=Prestwich tract
Winter   Summer

north Restricted Area Pine,
western portion
Winter   Summer

south Restricted Area Pine,
eastern portion
Winter   Summer
History: The earliest photographs of NATL's upland pine were those taken in January 1997 as part of a photographic record of NATL vegetation. The record was made by taking photographs in each of the four cardinal directions from each gridpoint in NATL's 50x50m grid. Some 31 of these gridpoints are within or on the border of the tracts of upland pine designated for restoration (see map above). In February 2007, to continue the record of NATL vegetation, four photographs were again taken from each gridpoint. Except for photographs taken from gridpoint E4 in April 2004, March 2007, and January 2009, no attempt was made to take gridpoint photos of restoration progress more frequently until July 2009. At that time, a program was begun to make photographs from a grid stake in four representative tracts every January and July. Stakes selected were E4, C9, B11, and D11 (see map). All photographs taken from these stakes can be accessed by clicking the links in the table above.

Methods: During the early occasions of making photographs in four directions from gridpoints, significant changes in the field of view occurred because of changes in cameras and lens:

Date Camera Lens Field of view
January 1997 Single lens reflex (film) 50mm medium wide
April 2004 Canon Powershot (digital) ?? wide
Jan to Mar 2007 Canon EOS 20D (digital) 50mm narrow
July 2009 and later Canon EOS 20D (digital) 35mm medium

Other aspects of the methods have remained as those described in detail elsewhere.