Rules for Using NATL

These guidelines for class activities and student projects in University of Florida's Natural Area Teaching Laboratory were adopted by the Natural Area Advisory Committee on 8 Dec 1995, modified on 1 April 1999, and edited to accommodate the addition of NATL-east in July 2005. In June 2009, the NATL Operations Committee developed a dog policy based on the principles spelled out below.


Types of activities requiring approval

The following types of activities must be pre-approved by the Natural Area Advisory Committee:

The northern portion of NATL is for public as well as academic use.
The rest of NATL is for academic use only.
This map shows ecosystems for the outline map at left.

Flags, stakes, etc.

Flags, stakes, and equipment may be temporarily left in NATL without permission. However, unless their origin and date of scheduled removal are indicated, they may be removed without notice. In any case, the person who leaves flags, stakes, and equipment should remove them as soon as their purpose is completed.

If you have questions about using NATL, contact the Natural Area Advisory Committee at