Additions to the list, accepted by Thomas J. Walker (2006-07)

Macfadyena unguis-cati
Alison Fox, on a field trip with her class on 18 Oct 2006, discovered a single vine of this species growing up a tree trunk on the west side of the firebreak that is on the east side of the south portion of the public-area upland pine (about at gridline 5). TJW killed the vine with glyphosate and monitored the area for more vines during the next two years but found none. However, in 2009, Walker noticed that the species was included in the earliest list of NATL plants (Putz 1995) although not confirmed by Ward (1999-2003). Thus the species may well still exist in NATL even though it has been noted only once in more than a decade.

Leucaena leucocephala
In 2006, UF Urban Forester Erick Smith pointed out a few examples of White Leadtree in NATL and noted it was an invasive exotic that should be eliminated. See the spreadsheets at Control of NATL's invasive exotic plants for the status of doing so.

Ilex opaca
In 2006, while developing the Upland Pine Nature Trail, TJW discovered a small American Holly near the end of the trail.

Three more species
On 23 Jun 2007, Dan Ward came to help me ID some plants in NATL. While there, he spotted three species that were not in his 1999-2003 list.
     Acer floridanum - recently planted in Natural Area Park
     Arachis glabrata - well established in Natural Area Park open area
     Lactuca floridana - single small blue-flowered plant (in old field?)

Muhlenbergia capillaris var. filipes
In November 2007, along the Upland Pine Nature Trail, Anne Barkdoll (FL State Parks) identified theis grass.