Additions to the list

Additions to the list, verified by Richard E. Weaver Jr. (2007-09)

27 Nov 2007 Saururus cernuus (SEEP boardwalk)

28 Nov 2007 Asimina pygmaea (collected in spring of 2004)

2 Oct 2007 Cyrilla racemiflora (SEEP?)

2 Oct 2007 Murdannia keisak (SEEP?)

2 Oct 2007 Thalia geniculata (SEEP?)

13 Aug 2008 Phyla nodiflora

2007-08 T. J. Walker vouches that during these years Weaver identified these additional species from NATL:
   Eriobotrya japonica (Hammock Nature Trail)
   Linaria canadensis (Old-Field Nature Trail)

22 Jan 2009 Sorghastrum nutans (Upland Pine Nature Trail)

9 Mar 2009 Weaver vouches to TJW that he knows these species occur in NATL
    Thelypteris palustris

10 Mar 2009 Weaver emails to TJW that he knows these species occur in NATL
    Capsella bursa-pastoris
    Spernacoce verticillata