Old-Field Plot D: Summer Photos: 2007-date

For Winter photos of Plot D, click here.

The photos below are of Old-Field Plot D, a 10-year-rotation plot first started in 1997. The photos begin in the summer of 2007 as the plot was being prepared for its first re-start later that year. (Trees had been cut and removed from the plot during the winter.) All photos were taken from gridstake G4, looking southeast toward gridstake H5. Photographic details are at Semi-Annual Old-Field Photos.

15 June 2007 (Started February 1997)

The first disking of the re-start was the day before.

Cut trees are piled at right.

Before its re-start, Plot D was disked twice more (5 Sep 2007 and 19 Dec 2007).

This photograph was made with a 50mm lens. The later ones were made with a 35mm lens.

21 July 2008 (Re-started December 2007)

Plot D was first dominated by white sweet clover with patches of wild radish. By May white sweet clover was mostly gone and ragweed was dominant. By mid June patches of lamb's-quarters were taller than the ragweed, but by the time these pictures were taken the ragweed had equaled or overtopped the lamb's-quarters and the plot looked like a nearly pure stand of ragweed.

30 July 2009 (Re-started December 2007)

The browned grass in the left foreground of the Plot D photo is herbicide-killed Johnsongrass that had grown up around the base of the longleaf pine at gridstake G4.

14 July 2010 (Re-started December 2007)

Ragweed is starting to take over as in 2008 and 2009.