Old-Field Plot D: Winter Photos: 2007-date

For Summer photos of Plot D, click here.

The photos below are of Old-Field Plot D, a 10-year-rotation plot first started in 1997. The photos begin in the winter of 2007 as the plot was being prepared for its first re-start later that year. (Trees had been cut and removed from the plot during the winter.) All photos were taken from gridstake G4, looking southeast toward gridstake H5. Photographic details are at Semi-Annual Old-Field Photos.

30 March 2007 (Started February 1997)

Re-start in progress: Trees were cut 10 January 2007 (as shown in this photo).

Plot was later disked 14 June, 5 September, and 19 December 2007.

This photograph was made with a 50mm lens. The later ones were made with a 35mm lens.

29 January 2008 (Re-started December 2007)

The partially burned logs at the right edge of the Plot D picture were removed a few days after the picture was made.

This is the first set of old-field photographs made with a 35mm lens rather than a 50mm one. (A 35mm lens on a digital camera produces approximately the same field of view as a 50mm lens on a film camera.)

4 February 2009 (Re-started December 2007)

By late fall, Plot D was almost a pure stand of 6 to 7-foor tall ragweed. The dead stalks of these plants now dominate the plot.

(35mm lens)

19 January 2009 (Re-started December 2007)

(Earlier 2009 winter photo taken with 18mm lens)

20 January 2010 (Re-started December 2007)

Ragweed is dead.

24 January 2011 (Re-started December 2007)

26 January 2012 (Re-started December 2007)