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Natural Area Teaching Laboratory

Natural Area Teaching Laboratory

Upland Hardwood Forest

Upland hardwood forest ecosystems are among Florida's most diverse and are characterized by thick stands of shade-tolerant hardwoods and few pines. Understory vegetation may be quite sparse. Hardwood forests occur on rolling terrain. The soils vary from somewhat poorly to well-drained, are high in nutrients, and contain more organic material and litter than drier sites. Hardwood forests occur commonly in north central Florida and sparingly elsewhere in Florida. The largest historic hardwood forested areas are near Brooksville, Ocala, and Gainesville.

Some of the most common plants in this community are black cherry, flowering dogwood, laurel oak, live oak, pignut hickory, American beautyberry, sparkleberry, common greenbriar, wild grape, and blackberry. Animal species include spring peeper, broadhead skink, Florida box turtle, pileated woodpecker, tufted titmouse, cardinal, Carolina wren, and gray squirrel.

By suppressing naturally occurring fires, humans have caused many natural upland pine communities to be succeeded by these forest communities. Normally, hardwood forest plants that invade adjacent upland pine are killed by fire. If fire is suppressed, the vegetation continues to grow and eventually shades out and replaces the plants characteristic of upland pine.