
This inventory of macrofungi (mushrooms) in the various ecosystems of the NATL was conducted by a team of four graduate students who took Mycology in 2012 from University of Florida Assistant Professor Matthew E. Smith. The inventory took place between April and October of 2013, although some collection information and specimens were drawn from the work of other students in the 2012 Mycology class. Fungi collected were, in most cases, dried for preservation in the University of Florida Herbarium. The project was supported by a $500 NATL Minigrant. The team’s final report is here.

Agaricus pocillator

Collected 6/13/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem


Agaricus subalachuanus

Collected 7/26/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem

Amanita spp.

Collected 7/26/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem


Amanita cf. flavoconia

Collected 7/26/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem

Amanita muscaria

Collected 1/8/2013 in the SEEP ecosystem

Armillaria tabescens

Collected 9/4/2012


Austroboletus subflavidus

Collected 9/6/2013 in the SEEP ecosystem


Boletus sp.

Collected 9/14/2012


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Boletus pallidus*

Collected September 2014 in mixedforest in the Hammock ecosystem

Boletus pallidus

Cantharellus cibarius

Collected 7/16/2013 in the Upland Pine ecosystem

Cantharellus cinnabarinus

Collected 7/18/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem

Clitocybe hydrogramma

Collected 7/27/2013 in the Old-field succession ecosystem

Collybia iocephala

Collected 7/27/2013 in the Old-field succession ecosystem


Cortinarius perferrugineus

Collected 9/16/2012


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Cryptothecia rubrocincta

Collected 9/14/2012


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Daedalea quercina

Collected 9/14/2012


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Ganoderma lucidum

Collected in the Upland Pine and Hammock ecosystems 9/14/2012


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Geastrum saccatum

Collected 7/27/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem

Geastrum sp.

Collected 7/26/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem

Gymnopilus sp.

Collected 4/26/2013

Hexagonia hydnoides

Collected 9/30/2012


Hydnellum aurantium

Collected 9/14/2012


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Hydnellum concrescens

Collected 10/9/2012 in the Hammock ecosystem


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Hypholoma fasciculare

Collected 12/4/2013 in the Upland Pine ecosystem


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Inocybe fastigiata group

Collected 12/4/2013 in NATL East

Inonotus hispidus

Collected 11/3/2015 by Dr. Emma Weeks


Lactarius psammicola var. psammicola

Collected 10/9/2012


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Lactarius luteolus

Collected 9/14/2012


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Lactarius volemus var. volemus

Collected 10/9/2012


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Lactarius spp.

Collected 7/26/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem


Lentinus lepideus*

Collected 9/14/2012 and October 2013; this species fruits directly from pine roots at the base of the trees and appears to cause a brown rot of the roots and/or trunk.

Lentinus lepideus

Lentinus crinitus

Collected 6/28/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem

Lepiota sp.

Collected 10/07/2017 in the Hammock ecosystem

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Myriostoma coliforme

Collected 11/22/2012


Nectria cinnabarina

Collected 11/9/2012


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Panus sp.

Collected 10/07/2017


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Phellinus sp.

Collected 4/26/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem


Phylloporus rhodoxanthus sp. americanus

Collected 11/7/2013


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Pleurotus spp.

Collected 6/13/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem



Pleurotus ostreatus*

Collected August 2014 in the Hammock ecosystem, fruiting on oak wood


Pleurotus ostreatus


Pluteus sp.

Found 10/07/2017


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Polyporus cf. arcularius

Collected 5/24/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem


Postia sp.

Collected 10/07/2017


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Russula sp.

Collected 10/07/2017


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Scleroderma areolatum

Collected 7/26/2013


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Sebacina concrescens*

Collected September 2014; this species fruits beneath oak at the edges of the oak hammock trails

Sebacina concrescens

Stereum ostrea

Collected 2/16/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem

Stereum sp.

Collected 2/16/2013 in the Hammock ecosystem


Strobilomyces sp.

Collected 9/14/2012


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Suillus cv. subalutaceous

Collected 12/4/2013 in NATL East

Tomentella sp.

Collected 10/07/2017

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Trametes versicolor

Collected 9/12/2013


Trichaptum biforme

Collected 11/9/2012


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Tricholoma caligatum

Collected 12/4/2013 in NATL East


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Tylopilus sordidus*

Collected September 2014 in mixed oak-pine forest at the edge of the oak hammock near the no-burn pine zone

Tylopilus sordidus


Tylopilus violantinctus

Collected 11/7/2013


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Xeromphalina campanella

Collected 9/22/2012


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*These species were collected and recorded by Dr. Matthew Smith, Assistant Professor in the Department of Plant Pathology and curator of the UF Fungal Herbarium (FLAS).