NATL Maps: Favorites to view or print

These five maps are of particular interest to visitors to NATL. Clicking on each map will present a larger version, which may be viewed, printed, or saved.

NATL Land Use Map
This, the current land use map for NATL, is similar to the one envisioned in the original proposal for a "Campus Natural Area and Outdoor Teaching Laboratory" (1993).


Old Field Plots
Map of old-field featuring three plots designated as 1-Year, 5-Year, & 10-Year mow/till sequences. To understand this arrangement and previous management history, go to Old-Field Ecosystem.


GIS-based NATL Grid Map
This map is based on eight layers of NATL's GIS map. To this has been added relevent explanatory material, including a description of NATL's 50-meter grid and how it may be used to specify the location of any feature or item in NATL.

NATL-west Grid Map
This GIS-based map has only the NATL-west portion of the all-NATL grid map and includes more explanatory material. You can view the JPG file by clicking on the thumbnail at left.

NATL-east Grid Map
This GIS-based map shows NATL-east's trails, water features, and 50-meter grid. Because NATL-east is only 11 acres, the scale of its grid map is much greater than that of the 49-acre NATL-west.